Write to the Christchurch City Council for details of the burials from the City Cemeteries registers.
Christchurch Library
PO Box 1466 Ph- (+64)-3-379.6914
Times - Sat 10:00am til 4:00pm
Times - Sun 1:00pm til 4:00pm
Times - Mon - Fri. 10:00am til 9:00pm
The Library has a searchable catalogue online.
In it's New Zealand Collection room is a well endowed genealogical section
Transcribed church records on indexed cards, "Lyttelton Times" on roll film, along with the "Press" & other newspapers, indexed newspapers, Electoral rolls, B-D-M Indexes, Cemetery indexes&transcriptions, 1903 Canterbury Cyclopaedia, Vol 3. Horrells letters, Army indexes (NZEF, WWI&WWII), etc.
Then there's all the NZ books, family histories, government, the works!!
This is a MUST GO TO visit.
Archives Christchurch Office.
eMail - Christchurch Regional Office.
90 Peterborough Street, Ph:- (+64)-3-377.0760
PO Box 642, Open weekdays
Christchurch, NZ. 9:30am - 5:00 pm
Has a database for Canterbury wills & probates including South Canterbury's.
Land & Shipping records, Schools Indexes, Hospital records etc.
Holds records for Lyttelton Akaroa, Little River, & Darfield.
Births, Deaths And Marriage Registry
Department of Internal Afairs
Level 6 NZI House,
96 Hereford Street Ph:- (+64)-3-379.6006
The Office will continues to provide information about and accept applications for:
Births, Deaths and Marriages. New Zealand Passports and New Zealand Citizenship.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday-8.30am-5pm, Wednesdays 9.00am-5pm.
Family History Centre
25 Fendalton Road Ph (+64)-3-355.6874
Hours: Closed Sundays & Mondays.
Tues, Wed, Thurs 9.30am - 3.30pm
Tues, Thurs, Fri 7.00pm - 9.00pm
Sat 9.30am - 1.00pm
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) has a genealogical library that will satisfy most visitors.
Rolleston Ave Ph: (+64)-3-366.5000
Christchurch 8001 Open weekdays
New Zealand. 1:00 - 4:30pm.
Library Manuscripts: & Pictorial Archives:
Photocopying service available.
For those not able to visit personally, a researcher is available for a cost of $NZ20.00 per hour, plus photocopying.
Shipping Records (to Lyttelton), Passenger lists & diaries, Ratepayers & Land records, Pictorial, "Macdonald Dictionary of Canterbury Biographies", and all manner of records pertaining to Christchurch&Canterbury.
Don not forget, the museum is interested in receiving donations of books, family histories, & manuscripts, relating to Canterbury. So if the estate you are involved in disbursing contains something pertaining to 19th or early 20th century Canterbury, perhaps you might contact the museum folk for their interest in the material.
School Records:
National Archives, Christchurch holdings:
Most Christchurch & outlying schools are now indexed and available at the Christchurch Regional Archives.
Also at the useful library of:-
CANTERBURY BRANCH of New Zealand Society of Genealogists
Meets 7:30 pm 2nd Thursday of each month at Shirley Community Centre.
And 10:15 am 3rd Monday of each month at Shirley Community Centre.
Their Library is open on Saturdays, 2:00pm till 4:00.
Wednesdays 7:00pm to 9:00pm and Thursdays, 10:00 till 3;00 pm.
Convener: Jan SLATER, Ph:- +64-3-354.6494
or Secretary, Cathy Henderson, Ph:- +64-3-323.8809
It should be noted that members of the NEW ZEALAND SOCIETY of
GENEALOGISTS Inc. have voluntarily transcribed & made available to the general public through the institutions above many records available here.
And some records are available at more than one repository.
The Macmillan Brown Library has some great Genealogical resources on microfiche.
Not so much on-line, but well worth a visit during normal 8:30am to 5:00pm weekday hours. Saturday afternoons&Wednesday late nights are not open during vacation periods.
Archives&Newspapers also available.
Land Information New Zealand (LINZ)
Torrens House Ph (+64)-3-379.9793.
195 Hereford St.
Private Bag 4721
Land Deeds.&Land transfers.
For Nominal Index - (Original land owners)
Primary Index - to locate parcels of land
Subdivision Registers for land details.
Christ's College Archives
A boys school since 1850.
Rolleston Avenue
Private Bag 4900
Hours:- Tuesdays&Thursdays, 9:00am to 4:30pm.
Phone:- +64-3-366.8705
Mail the Archivist
Christchurch Anglican Diocesan Archives
Ph +64-3-379.5950 -/- Fax +94-3-379.4945
Open Wednesdays 9:00am - 4:30pm only
153 Hereford Street
P.O. Box 4438
All manner of Anglican Church records are available, though necessarily complete.
Baptisms, Marriages, Banns, Marriage of divorced persons, Confirmations, any many other Anglican specific records such as Sports Groups, Sunday Schools&the like.
While dealing primarily with the Christchurch Diocese, over time the boundaries might have included outlying parishes&perhaps neighbouring Diocese.
Their eMail address is given here. Anglican Archives
Methodist Church of N.Z. Archives
Morley House Ph +64-3-366.6049
25 Latimer Square Open Tuesdays only
PO. Box 931, 9:00 am - 12:30p.m.
Presbyterian Church.
Presbyterian Church records.
Te Wai Pounamu House Ph. (+64)-3-366.4344
127 Armagh Street Open weekdays
Christchurch 8:30 - 5:00 pm
For Ngai Tahu genealogies.
Akaroa Museum
PO Box 35 Ph:- (+64)-3-304.6614
William Miles passenger list: arrived Lyttelton in Aug 1860.
Some local homepages worth visiting for their special content are:-
Has NZ Army notes&BIG family tree.
- Patsy McMillan A 'GOON' and accomplished researcher.
- NZSG The
Should you find anything that you consider, incorrect, inappropriate, require adding, would like to see, like to contribute, PLEASE, do eMail Webmaster (below).
I am particularly interested in obtaining research resource information from North&Mid Canterbury areas, regions, towns,&localities outside Christchurch city. YOU can be effective in putting your locality on the Genealogical Internet!
If you are a member of NZSG, would you please mind adding your number to correspondence so I might gauge extent of interest for the society.
Note:- I am not available to perform research for you, although, via email, I might be able to advise on opportunities&places to go.
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Last updated on 27-08-2006 -
Previous change 24-11-2002
Copyright © 30-05-1998 - - B. E. PYCROFT. (Webmaster), Christchurch, New Zealand. NZSG #8530