Press Articles - WILLIAM MILES - 1860

Transcripts of articles from films of the LYTTELTON TIMES at the Christchurch Public Library,
by Barry PYCROFT, May 1999.
-------- LYTTELTON TIMES - 25 Aug 1860 Article, Following Shipping News - Page 4b ---------

" We have received communication from the saloon passengers of the William Miles reflecting on the conduct of the Captain, and expressing dissatisfaction with the general treatment they experienced during the voyage. Without presuming to give any opinion upon the merits of the question, we are justified in saying that the high character borne by the firm of Messrs. Miles Brothers & Co, of Bristol, warrants belief that the utmost liberality consistent with reason has been exercised by them in providing for the wants of their passengers. We understand the captain has received a testimonial, signed by about 150 of the steerage passengers.
The clipper ship William Miles which arrived in Lyttelton on Tuesday last, left Lundy Island on the 6th May, made the Line in five weeks, not being delayed there by calms, and passed the Cape when 63 days out, after which she experienced very bad weather, with a great deal of rain, sleet and snow, overhauled & and spoke the ship Persia, for Auckland, in 10 S.
The barque Acasta, .......... ....... ."
---- 25 Aug 1860 issue ends about William Miles. --------------------

-------- LYTTELTON TIMES - 27 Oct 1860 Article, Following Shipping News - Page 4a -----------


Dunedin, 1st October, 1860.
  Captain William Lilly.
   Dear Sir, - We, the undersigned, cabin passengers from port Lyttelton to Dunedin, beg to thank you for your kind and gentlemanly conduct to us during our voyage between the above named places, and we are sure that any person being aquatinted with you for the time that we have, would exonerate you from the calumny which was spread abroad against you in Lyttelton, and which we have heard contradicted by many of your still remaining passengers.
Hoping you will have a safe and prosperous voyage home, and ere long we may have the pleasure of again seeing you and your good vessel in Otago.
We remain, dear sir, yours ever truly,
L.F. Chapman E. Letham Raymond Clancy Beeston Thomas C. Bowen F. Polhill

Dunedin, 1st October, 1860.
 To Captain William Lilly.
   Dear Sir, - We, the undersigned, cabin passengers by the above ship, under your command, beg most sincerely to thank you for your kind and gentlemanly conduct to us during our voyage from our native land to this port; and we exonerate you from a charge which one or two malicious persons were vile enough to accuse you of, on account of your having refused to let them have liquors in wholesale quantities, when you saw the improper use they made of them.
Should we ever return to England, we sincerely hope that whoever the captain may be, he may resemble you in every way, and also prove as proficient in his profession.
Hoping, under divine providence, you will have a safe and speedy voyage home, and that before long we shall again have the happiness of seeing you, and the good ship your are now commander of in our port, we remain, &c.
[Here follows 31 signatures, including the surgeon.]
- Otago Witness, Oct, 13.

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