Saturday The "HENRIETTA" -- The " Henrietta" from Glasgow,
115 days out, arrived at the Heads on Monday last with 220 passengers. She had a remarkably fine passage in the earlier part of the voyage, but had latterly bad weather. There have been an unusually large number of deaths, chiefly referred to brain fever; and we regret to observe that several of the passengers have landed in a state of great debility. One female died in the "Oberon" on the passage up the harbour. The voyage to New Zealand is usually productive of benefit to the health of passengers rather than otherwise, and unless some contagious disease breaks out, there are so few deaths, that the circumstances of this case ought to be enquired into. It is not at all unusual for persons in the last stage of consumption to sail for New Zealand, and to that cause many deaths on the passage are attributable; but when we see so large a number looking sickly, as in the case of the passengers by the "Henrietta," we are inclined to think there must have been mismanagement some where: an impression rather confirmed than otherwise by the peculiar position in which the doctor has placed himself since his arrival, he having been taken into custody by the police in a state of intoxication a short time after his landing in Dunedin. The following is a detailed statement of the occupations, births and deaths, &c. :-- The list includes 4 farmers, 25 ploughmen, 18 shepherds, 3 masons, 8 quarrymen, 3 blacksmiths, 7 carpenters, 2 tailors, 1 teacher, 3 gardeners, 2 coopers, 1 clerk, 16 labourers, and 25 female servants. |
The Henrietta Married couples 37 Single Men 60 ,, Women 28 Male Children between 1 and 12 years 34 Female do. do. do. 23 Infants - male 6, female 4 10 BIRTHS. July 17, Mrs. John Deans of a son (premature) died in 24 hours ,, 20, Mrs. Robt. Sinclair of a son ,, 27, Mrs. Hamilton of a daughter DEATHS. July 18, Mary Deans, aged 2 years, of decline. ,, 19, Robt. Robertson, aged 40 years, apoplexy Aug. 6, John Sutherland, aged 23 months, decline ,, 30, Robt Orr, aged 2 -years, marasmus Sept. 5, John Cameron, aged 15 years, brain fever ,, 8, Hannah Oliver, aged 19 years, do. ,, 13, Catherine Cameron, aged 20 years, do. ,, 17, Catherine Cameron, aged 19 years ,, 22, Grace Cameron, aged 23 years do. ,, 26, Mrs. Ballantine, aged 26 years |
IMMIGRATION. What becomes of all the people who land in Otago, puzzles us. Notwithstanding the numbers, of immigrants who have arrived in the last few weeks, we understand that the Civil Engineer is unable to obtain hands for the carrying on of public works. Twenty hands were wanted for the Southern district: six months work and a free passage by steamer to Invercargill was offered by the Government, but there were no hands to be obtained. This was previous to the arrival of the " Henrietta," and we now learn that the Immigration Agent has engaged fifty men for public works; but, so far from its being necessary to offer constant work for a given time to-induce engagement, the Government, on the contrary, - rather finds it necessary to bind those it engages not to leave the public works for six months. |
" DEAR SIR -- Now that we have landed in our adopted land, we feel it to be our duty to express our high appreciation of, your qualities as a commander, and your conduct as a gentleman. " We desire likewise to testify our appreciation of the conduct of Mr. Finnie, chief officer, and Mr. Turner, second officer, and also that of the crew, who have done everything in their power to add to our comfort by many acts of kindness during the voyage. ", With every wish that prosperity may attend you to the termination of your career, we remain, yours, &c " |
The following has been presented to the surgeon of the Henrietta, signed by Captain Cumming and and 49 of the passengers ;---- DEAR SIR - We hereby cordially express - our appreciation of your conduct a. a medical man during .the voyage just ended. Labouring as you did under many disadvantages, you seemed to - us to have done your duty as an officer. And, moreover, we beg to sympathise with you on account of the treatment you have met with since coming to this port, in so far as there seemed to be no one to take charge of the sick after they left your hands, -- Wishing you every success in your professional career, we subscribe ourselves. |
Copyright © 2006 - B.E PYCROFT . This page updated 14-08-2006 . - Previous update 14-08-2006