This is a McGUIRE chart. The relationship boxes were created by TWO [2] screen-shots of 2 BROTHERS KEEPER dsisplays and pasted together to an XL Spreadsheet. The lines and AUTOSOMAL cM Values added to complete the 'picture'. - | - See the large range of cM for the 3c-1r relationship. See descendants of two brothers (Y-DNA) and a sister - siblings of our MDKA is also our collective MRCA. |
I have paid for the FIVE Y-700 DNA tests shown here.
See that my Uncle Stanley and myself are identical. -- | -- However, initially Stan's 2nd Cousin was different. I was fortunate in that there was a 4th cousin who agreed to test. As shown here, he completed the alternate haplogroup. -- | -- He, along with Reginald were R-FGC65746 while Stan & me were R-BY76765. The 4th cousin test permitted the identification of another Haplogroup, and so R-BY44310 split off from R-FGC65746. I needed to determine how different Reg was from Stan & me and my 2nd agreed to test. (Thank you.) The upshot of that is that KD [SPLIT] our haplogroup alolocations and added anot brpanch - by virtue of age of MRCA (Most Recent Common Ancestor). That has taken me on quite an analysis journey with figuring out the nature of passage of mutation (SNPs) between a father and two sons. I do not think that I will be able to determine exactly the happenings, however, all the indicators are in the same 'ball-park' so to speak & is acceptable. In the process of analysis FTDNA have revised the timeline such that our original dates of 1500 CE are now branches down to 1850 - 1900 and 1950. See also ther might be further assessments of dates and branching such that R-BY44310 is now R-BY84513. So now I am seeking the Parents and siblings (brothers) of John PYCROFT born 1792 in a place not known. |