Mr. B.E. PYCROFT, 8 Orcades Street, Shirley, 8013. Christchurch, New Zealand. Voice: +64-3-942.8417 .. .. E Mail: barry @ pycroft.co.nz . . NZSG 8530. |
Use the "BACK Arrow" on your browser to return to calling page, from here.. In later operating systems, you may be asked to allow JAVA to run. You will need to accept that. |
See example tree (Picture) and list of Family names. |
When you click the tree above, you will be taken to a page that displays my son's ANCESTOR's DESCENDANT families in dynamic JAVA. It will take a several seconds to download the database controls. There are a lot of individuals. When you get there, you might look at all the names, SURNAME order. (INDEX). You might be able to identify your family there and see their ancestors! Read the HELP to see how to use / navigate the dynamic tree. Use -- [X] = Close the Dynamic Tree. After all that, please tell me what you think of the presentation. |
The tree doesn't display? This program requires a late version of JAVA Virtual Machine (JVM) and Microsoft Win-XP provides a lesser version than in Win-98. Get Sun Java Virtual Machine (Java2: v1.4.0_01) from Sun's Java Software website at: http://java.sun.com/getjava/. The MS Virtual Machine in Win-XP = Java v1.1.4 is inadequate. |
Problems with Win-7 or Win-8?
The tree doesn't display? This program requires a Standard Edition (SE) of JAVA to run the Dynamic Family tree. Get JAVA SE from Oracle's download page here at: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html/. The current version is Java SE 8u51. |